Coronavirus Testing -


Stay home if you are sick. If you are concerned that you have been exposed to COVID-19, call your health care provider, who will determine whether you should be tested and, as appropriate, submit a sample for testing.


If you do not have a primary care provider or are uninsured, call an urgent care center or local health care facility for evaluation.


Anyone with severe symptoms (difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; persistent pain or chest pressure; new confusion or inability to arouse; bluish lips or face) should call 911 and go to a hospital emergency department.


Providers determine whether testing should be done based on symptoms, history of contact and travel and other risk factors.


Both the state public health lab and private labs are conducting tests. The state lab validates all presumptive positive tests from private labs.


The state lab is prioritizing testing for high risk individuals, which include symptomatic patients in one of the following categories:


  • Hospitalized patients.
  • Health care workers.
  • First responders (EMS, Police, Fire, etc.).
  • Those living in congregate settings (e.g. long-term care facilities, group homes, assisted living facilities, jails, shelters).
  • Patients older than 60 years.
  • Patients with underlying medical conditions.


Test results are available within 24 to 48 hours after samples are received by the state lab. Private lab results times may vary.


For more coronavirus information, contact Maine's 211 system by calling 2-1-1 or 1-866-811-5695, texting your ZIP code to 898-211, or emailing info@211maine.org; or visit the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention's website.

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