M20-M25 Other Joint Disorders

M20 Acquired Deformities of Fingers & Toes

M21 Other Acquired Deformities of Limbs

Acquired deformities of fingers and toes M20- >


Type 1 Excludes

acquired absence of fingers and toes (Z89.-)

congenital absence of fingers and toes (Q71.3-, Q72.3-)

congenital deformities and malformations of fingers and

toes (Q66.-, Q68-Q70, Q74.-)


Other acquired deformities of limbs M21- >


Type 1 Excludes

acquired absence of limb (Z89.-)

congenital absence of limbs (Q71-Q73)

congenital deformities and malformations of limbs (Q65-Q66, Q68-Q74)

Type 2 Excludes

acquired deformities of fingers or toes (M20.-)

coxa plana (M91.2)


Disorder of patella M22- >


Type 1 Excludes

traumatic dislocation of patella (S83.0-)


Internal derangement of knee M23- >


Type 1 Excludes

ankylosis (M24.66)

current injury - see injury of knee and lower leg (S80-S89)

deformity of knee (M21.-)

osteochondritis dissecans (M93.2)

recurrent dislocation or subluxation of joints (M24.4)

recurrent dislocation or subluxation of patella (M22.0-M22.1)



Other specific joint derangements M24- >


Type 1 Excludes

current injury - see injury of joint by body region

Type 2 Excludes

ganglion (M67.4)

snapping knee (M23.8-)

temporomandibular joint disorders (M26.6-)


Other joint disorder, not elsewhere classified M25- >


Type 2 Excludes

abnormality of gait and mobility (R26.-)

acquired deformities of limb (M20-M21)

calcification of bursa (M71.4-)

calcification of shoulder (joint) (M75.3)

calcification of tendon (M65.2-)

difficulty in walking (R26.2)

temporomandibular joint disorder (M26.6-)


M22 Disorder of Patella

M23 Internal Derangement of Knee


Unspecified Internal Derangement


M24 Other Specific Joint Derangements

M25 Other Joint Disorder, Not Elsewhere Classified

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