M40-M43 Deforming Dorsopathies

M40 Kyphosis & Lordosis

M41 Scoliosis


Scoliosis, Unspecified

M42 Spinal Osteochondrosis

Kyphosis and lordosis M40- >


Type 1 Excludes

congenital kyphosis and lordosis (Q76.4)

kyphoscoliosis (M41.-)

postprocedural kyphosis and lordosis (M96.-)


Scoliosis M41- >


Type 1 Excludes

congenital scoliosis NOS (Q67.5)

congenital scoliosis due to bony malformation (Q76.3)

postural congenital scoliosis (Q67.5)

kyphoscoliotic heart disease (I27.1)

postprocedural scoliosis (M96.-)



Clinical Information

A congenital or acquired spine deformity characterized

by lateral curvature of the spine.

A disorder characterized by a malformed, lateral curvature

of the spine.

Abnormal lateral curvature of spine

An appreciable lateral deviation in the normally straight

vertical line of the spine. (Dorland, 27th ed)

Scoliosis causes a sideways curve of your backbone, or spine.

These curves are often s- or c-shaped. Scoliosis is most common

in late childhood and the early teens, when children grow fast.

Girls are more likely to have it than boys. It can run in families.

Symptoms include leaning to one side and having uneven shoulders

and hips.sometimes the curve is temporary. It might be due to muscle

spasms, inflammation or having different leg lengths. A birth defect,

tumor or another disease might cause the spine to have a curve that

isn't temporary. People with mild scoliosis might only need checkups

to see if the curve is getting worse. Others might need to wear a

brace or have surgery. nih: national institute of arthritis and

musculoskeletal and skin diseases.


Other deforming dorsopathies M43- >


Type 1 Excludes

congenital spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis (Q76.2)

hemivertebra (Q76.3-Q76.4)

Klippel-Feil syndrome (Q76.1)

lumbarization and sacralization (Q76.4)

platyspondylisis (Q76.4)

spina bifida occulta (Q76.0)

spinal curvature in osteoporosis (M80.-)

spinal curvature in Paget's disease of bone [osteitis deformans] (M88.-)


M43 Other Deforming Dorsopathies

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