M45-M49 Spondylopathies

M45 Ankylosing Spondylitis

M46 Other Inflammatory Spondylopathies

Ankylosing spondylitis M45- >


Applicable To

Rheumatoid arthritis of spine

Type 1 Excludes

arthropathy in Reiter's disease (M02.3-)

juvenile (ankylosing) spondylitis (M08.1)

Type 2 Excludes

Behçet's disease (M35.2)

Clinical Information

A chronic inflammatory condition affecting the axial joints,

such as the sacroiliac joint and other intervertebral or

costovertebral joints. It occurs predominantly in young males

and is characterized by pain and stiffness of joints (ankylosis)

with inflammation at tendon insertions.

An autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by

inflammation in the vertebral joints of the spine and sacroiliac

joints. It predominantly affects young males. Patients present

with stiffness and pain in the spine.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis of the spine.

It causes swelling between your vertebrae, which are the disks

that make up your spine, and in the joints between your spine

and pelvis. Ankylosing spondylitis is an immune disease. The

disease is more common and more severe in men. It often runs in

families. Early symptoms include back pain and stiffness. These

problems often start in late adolescence or early adulthood.

Over time, ankylosing spondylitis can fuse your vertebrae together,

limiting movement. Symptoms can worsen or improve or stop altogether.

The disease has no cure, but medicines can relieve the pain, swelling

and other symptoms. Exercise can also help. nih: national institute

of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin disease

Chronic inflammation of the spine and the low back bone joint



Spondylosis M47- >



arthrosis or osteoarthritis of spine

degeneration of facet joints

Clinical Information

A degenerative spinal disease that can involve any part of the

vertebra, the intervertebral disk, and the surrounding soft tissue.



Spondylopathies in diseases classified elsewhere M49- >


Code First

underlying disease, such as:

brucellosis (A23.-)

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (G60.0)

enterobacterial infections (A01-A04)

osteitis fibrosa cystica (E21.0)

Degeneration of the spinal bone where spinal columns are

fused and immobilized


M47 Spondylosis

M48 Other Spondylopathies

M48.9 Spondylopathy, Unspecified

M49 Spondylopathies in Diseases Classified Elsewhere

M49.8 Spondylopathy in Diseases

Classified Elsewhere

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